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Cameroon Agenda for Sustainable Development (CASD) is a civil society organization that works with policymakers and grassroots communities to address the health and socio-economic issues affecting the lives of adolescent girls, vulnerable women, and children using strategies that are inclusive, sustainable and accountable. Since 2011, CASD has largely focused its activities on maternal health and adolescent sexual and reproductive health. 

Mindful of the high risk of mortality and morbidity among these populations, CASD currently implements three grassroots projects: the Paternity Clinic, the Expanded Access to Ultrasound during Pregnancy Project, and the Girls’ Choice Ice-cream Project (to help ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health). The Paternity Clinic Project funded by the Global Force for Healing (GFH) aims at improving maternal and newborn survival in Cameroon by engaging expectant fathers in the continuum of care for healthy birthing in Bamenda, Cameroon. In 2020, the project was expanded to include nutrition and personal protection equipment supplies to mitigate the burden of COVID-19 on the vulnerable families enrolled for the project, as well as adolescents living with HIV identified via the Girls' Choice Ice-cream Project.


Paternity Clinic Project 

Families benefiting from COVID-19 relief from Global Force for Healing

For more information on CASD, visit their Facebook page.


Founder and Executive Director: Numfor Alenwi

Program Manager: Eleanor Fon

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Together for Global Health is managed and operated by Helping Children Worldwide, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the United States, with headquarters in the greater Washington, D.C. area, and a global south registered INGO office in Sierra Leone, West Africa. You may find us at

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