Our Compassionate Birth Network welcomes Hispañola Health Partners (Haiti), a non-profit organization incorporated in 2013! Their mission is to help strengthen health care networks along the Haitian/Dominican border.
Current projects include:
*Centre de Sante Union de Grand-Gosier, a primary care clinic in a previously inaccessible mountain community in southeastern Haiti. HHP works in partnership with the Haitian Ministry of Health (MSPP) and treats more than 7,000 people annually. They offer subsistence farming families affordable, comprehensive services including birth and women’s health
*Mobile Clinics in remote villages, including screening and treatment for hypertension (high blood pressure), a common and persistent condition in Haiti

*Women’s Health and Cancer Prevention (above) using a technique approved by the World Health Organization for low-resource areas. Haiti has one of the highest rates of cervical cancer globally. The Hispanola Health Partner team also trains local doctors, nurses, and health care promoters to detect and treat cervical cancer. In 2018 they added a broader female cancer-screening program including HPV self-testing and breast self-exams

*A Birthing Center is planned to open later in 2019, employing a Haitian midwife and giving women the option of having their babies in a 24-hour facility. The midwife will work with local matwon, traditional birth attendants for women who prefer to birth at home.
Haiti has the highest maternal mortality rate in the Americas.
The HHP philosophy is to build from the bottom up and ensure the clinic belongs to the local community. “HHP’s priority is to run programs for the people and by the people”, as they nurture local capacity building and guide projects toward self-sufficiency. This investment includes paying salaries of the 10 Haitian clinic workers who are the heart and soul of the organization. Their philosophy and compassionate care practices make HHP a perfect addition to our current Partners in southwestern Haiti and the Central Plateau region!